I think it is one of the factors that can in real estate feel and what it is, as the article which will I learn from the next door neighbor who saw of Health and Sekseologi factors. This article related to my previous post is based on my conclusion as a layman would be that, as a person who contributed to doubts about moral acts are not good, to discuss the reason for Single Women Pisang Ambon Consumption is prohibited.
As a single woman, of course many rules and myths are always around our lives. However, some myths, it turns out it can be proven scientifically. That is why the prohibition is supposed to be obeyed. Prohibition of eating fruit banana for a girl who is still, for example. Nutrition expert Prof Ir Ahmad Sulaiman MS PhD, in a conversation with the severity of AP, explains the scientific reasons behind this prohibition. "Pisang Ambon substance that makes it has a high libido," he said.
If eating too many bananas, for a girl, it would be dangerous, because the libido will rise. Though its status as a girl, so they can not channel their sexual desires. "If you're married, high libido will not be a problem, but when it was a girl, this menjdi its own problems. So it is better to reduce it," he said. For more details can be viewed on Revealing
The Importance of Female LibidoWell can not understand? I take the conclusion to the above description it can be one of the factors causing the occurrence of free sex. High libido occurred in Women naked and they can not channel their sexual desires in place, which eventually find a shortcut to satisfy his desire. Well what if it happens to naked lady? It's regrettable because ignorance in matters of health foods, which is good at avoiding.